Pomona Golf and Country Club - Restaurant Impossible Update - Open or Closed?

Restaurant Impossible Pomona Golf and Country Club

In this Restaurant Impossible episode, Robert Irvine visits Pomona Golf & Country Club in Egg Harbor, New Jersey.

Pomona Golf & Country Club is owned by Bruce Ritchie and his cousins Andy and Pam.

Bruce says that they all grew up together and are like brother and sister.

This country club has been in their family for 44 years.

Pam’s dad ran the restaurant and her mother helped.

When they passed, the three cousins inherited it.

This country club is geared more towards the local retired people.

They were primarily a golf course but gradually got more into the food end of the business.

Pam says she loves to cook and they serve lunch seven days a week.

Business was good while their parents ran this business.

Over the past five years, their members have either gotten too old to play golf or they’ve passed away.

Bruce says they can’t keep putting their own money into this business.

Pam says that working with your family is like having to walk on eggshells.

Their nephew, Shane, is the one who called in Robert to help them.

Robert meets with Shane to get his take on things before he meets with the family.

Shane says that the cousins don’t get along well and it is causing the business to fail.

Shane isn’t on the pay roll at the business.

He says he called for Robert’s help because the family all rant to him about each other and he’s tired of being in the middle.

Robert arrives at the restaurant and notices that the inside of this restaurant is very dated.

Robert calls out for the owners to come and speak to him for a brief on the restaurant.

Pam says that last year they brought in $210,000 from the golf course and $33,000 from the bar.

She also says that there was around $23,000 from the restaurant.

They have no debt right now since they own the land.

Last year they lost a total of $1,200.

It costs $135 to become a member of the golf club and Andy says that they have 140 members.

Five years ago, they had over 400 members at the golf club.

Andy wants to get a small business loan to make the much-needed renovations but Pam and Bruce don’t agree on that.

Bruce says that he is tired of working.

Robert goes around the golf course to see how it is.

The issues with this place is the lack of communication and the lack of taking advantage of modern technology.

Barb and George both think Bruce is an issue when it comes to a lack of marketing.

The customers say that they didn’t know this place was open to the public because of how there is no advertising at all.

They also think it’s a little musty and old.

The members of this club love it here but believe that this place needs a little tender love and care.

There are a lot of leaks in the roof.

Robert wants to see a service and notices straight away that the service is bad.

The customers aren’t greeted and the menu is very limited.

Even the basics aren’t taken care of and customers have to ask for utensils.

Food is served on paper plates and not on china for ease.

One customer orders a grilled cheese and it is inedible, despite being a simple order.

Robert orders a handful of things off the menu to try.

The egg salad needs some seasoning and the liverwurst dish is not exciting.

Robert says this food isn’t attracting either golfers or nongolfers.

The menu has been the same for 21 years with no change in items or recipes.

Robert tells Pam that they aren’t going to succeed if they don’t acknowledge change.

Robert walks through the restaurant with his design team.

They begin taking out everything from the place that they can.

Bruce admits that he doesn’t like change.

He says his stomach has been in knots lately and he hasn’t been able to sleep.

Pam says that the physical changes don’t bother her at all but it’s the uncertainty of the new menu that gets to her.

The design team gets to work and the remodel begins on the restaurant.

Robert meets with the family, including Shane.

The three cousins have to communicate through letters because they can’t talk reasonably face-to-face.

Pam says it will take a while to fix their issues with each other because it took them years to get to where they are now.

Robert is asking himself how to get more people into the golf club.

Robert wants to turn the patio into the outside area, hoping that will attract families.

The next day, Robert arrives and checks in with the design team.

They got rid of the carpet inside the restaurant and installed new pendants by the bar.

Robert has a town hall meeting at a local school to ask the community what they want in a golf club.

The people say they would want things that attract kids and teenagers.

One guy says they want to see more advertisements and an online presence.

Some of the people mention that the menu really needs to improve.

Robert goes to get new golf carts and asks for them to be more inviting towards kids.

Robert meets with the family.

They discuss the concept of having family memberships for less money.

Shane says it is refreshing that they are all talking together.

Robert tells them he wants them to discuss together how much they would charge for the family membership so they can offer it in the relaunch.

Robert has them hit a golf ball and say something they are letting go of.

Robert meets with Pam and George to show them recipes he believes should be on their menu.

He shows them a new burger and a fish taco.

Robert gives them the grill he just made the food on.

The design team makes finishing touches on the restaurant.

Robert shows the three cousins their new golf carts.

In two days, Robert changed just about everything at the restaurant.

Robert shows them their new restaurant.

Pam says there is a lot of hope for the future.

Pomona opens up for the first time since the remodel.

On relaunch, the customers love all of the new changes.

They love the new food that is on offer at the restaurant.

The families are having fun golfing and they approve of the family membership price.

Bruce says he is so thankful to Shane, since he is the one who called Robert.

Andy is very proud of the restaurant.

What Happened Next at Pomona Golf and Country Club?

A few months later, business was picking up.

Customers are enjoying the patio.

Pam is still cooking Robert's menu.

They have started using social media to advertise the business.

Pam and Andy are continuing to work on their relationship.

Pomona Golf and Country Club is open.

There are very few reviews on the food as it is a casual menu with just a few items.

Pomona Golf and Country Club was Restaurant Impossible season 9 episode 4 and aired on 13th August 2014.

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