Kitchen Nightmares Open or Closed?

Kitchen Nightmares Open or Closed

Are your favourite Kitchen Nightmares restaurants open or closed?

In Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay visits restaurants and identifies the key issues.

Gordon resolves them and gives the restaurant a renovation, all within 3 days.

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares / Kitchen Nightmares UK aired from 2004 to 2014, with 7 seasons and 36 episodes.

Kitchen Nightmares USA aired from 2007 until 2023.

There have been 7 seasons and 90 episodes, including revisited episodes, see below for a full Kitchen Nightmares episode list.

People often want to know Kitchen nightmares where are they now?

On each post you will find Kitchen Nightmares episode recaps, updates and information on each restaurant that Gordon Ramsay has attempted to save.

You will find out which Kitchen Nightmares are open or closed.

A map featuring all of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurant locations is here

Kitchen Nightmares Closure and Success Rates as February 2024

Please credit us should you use these

The Kitchen Nightmares Closure Rate stands at 81%

The Kitchen Nightmares Success Rate stands at 19%

There are 18 Kitchen Nightmares restaurants still open and 88 Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that have closed.

Click on the link for each restaurant to read more about why the Kitchen nightmares closed.

Kitchen Nightmares Season 8

10 restaurants
Aired: September 2023 -

Bel Aire Diner is open.

Reviews are mostly positive with some diners unhappy about the shortened menu and some food and service issues.

Bask 46 is open.

Chef Bobby left the restaurant. Reviews are mostly positive.

In The Drink is open.

Reviews are mostly positive and much improved since the show.

Da Mimmo is open.

Reviews are mostly positive with praise for the pizzas.

The Juicy Box is open.

Reviews are mostly positive with some minor complaints on food and service.

Love Bites is closed.

They closed to focus on their health and relationship.

They had changed the menu and reviews were mostly positive for the month they remained open.

El Cantito Cafe is open.

Reviews are mostly positive with some minor complaints on portion sizes and pricing.

They closed in July 2024, blaming the show for their closure.

Reviews were mostly positive with praise for the brunch.

Reviews are mostly positive with praise for their staple hotdogs.

Diwan is open.

Reviews are mostly positive with some comments to suggest they have returned dishes to the menu and prices are high.

Costa Del Nightmares

4 restaurants
Aired: September - October 2014

Mayfair / Jacks Chicken Shack is closed.

They closed after failing to reopen for the 2019 season.

Owner John has reverted to his own menu and recipes shortly after Gordon visited.

Le Deck is closed.

They closed after failing to open for the 2017 summer season.

After filming business was up and Steve had returned to their other restaurant in the mountains.

La Granada Divino is closed.

They closed in September 2015, two years after filming, as owners Milan and Gina retired from the restaurant trade.

Quelcuttis Tapas is closed.

They closed in 2015, 14 months after Gordon visited with his changes blamed for the closure.

Kitchen Nightmares Season 7

6 restaurants
Aired: April 2014 - September 2014

Pantaleone's is open.

Business improved 70% after the episode aired and they added a delivery service in 2017.

Reviews are positive

They closed as of May 1st 2016 after selling the restaurant business.

The building had been sold in June 2014.

Kati Allo is closed.

They closed in April 2014, days after the episode aired.

The closure was temporary for renovations but they never reopened.

Mangia Mangia is closed.

They closed in November 2014 and Trevor went to rehab, got clean and planned to go to culinary school.

Zayna Flaming Grill is closed.

They closed in 2023.

The restaurant was sold to a new owner in September 2015 and reviews were mostly positive.

Bella Luna is closed.

They closed 3 and a half months after filming in November 2013.

They blamed a dispute with the landlord.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 6

13 restaurants
Aired: October 2012 - May 2013

La Galleria 33 is closed.

They closed suddenly in November 2018 with no announcement of the closure.

Barefoot Bobs is closed.

They closed suddenly in December 2016 with no announcement of the closure.

Prior to the closure they reverted to their old menu and brought back the tiki decor.

Mama Maria's is closed.

They closed in February 2023 as John retired. John returned some customer favourites to the menu and tweaked recipes.

Reviews were mostly positive.

They moved to a new location and reviews are positive.

Reviews have improved significantly since 2017.

Reviews are mostly positive with seafood being popular.

They stopped doing breakfast in 2019 to the disappointment of many.

They closed in November 2013 after Tony decided to retire nine months after the episode was aired.

They closed in January 2014.

They claim that appearing on the show didn't increase customers numbers and more competition had opened.

They closed in August 2016 due to retirement.

Carina said that the remodel was done using cheap furniture that were not fit for purpose.

Mill Street Bistro is closed.

Joe renamed the restaurant to Maple City Tavern.

They closed in February 2016.

Joe sued Gordon after the episode for missing items and damage to the restaurant.

They returned some of their old dishes to the menu.

Reviews are mostly positive with the moussaka being a hit with customers.

Prohibition Grille is closed.

They closed in July 2017.

Chef Rocky opened his own restaurant that had excellent reviews prior to its closure.

Chappy's is closed.

Chappy blames the closure on Gordon.

He has opened and closed a number of restaurants since appearing on the show.

Amy closed the restaurant in September due to landlord troubles and after much online drama.

She opened an online cookery school.

Amy and Samy now live in Israel.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 5

15 restaurants
Aired: September 2011 - March 2012

Blackberry's is closed.

They closed in March 2013 as Shelly no longer saw room for growth.

They were not getting the clientele they wanted.

Leone's is open.

Gordon revisited, the chefs had been fired and Michael wasn't at the restaurant.

He stepped up and reviews are mostly positive.

Rose sadly passed away in April 2014.

Mike and Nellie's is closed.

They closed in January 21st 2012.

Mike now owns his own catering company.

The restaurant moved location in December 2017 and opened a catering service.

Reviews are positive with praise for the lasagna and pizza.

Burger Kitchen is closed.

The restaurant was sold to new owners in August 2011.

It was rebranded and closed in February 2012.

Some customers didn't like the changes.

Reviews are generally positive with praise for the entertainment and food.

Michon's is closed.

They closed in August 2013 and two other locations closed.

Downtown burnt down in a fire in March 2012 and Peach Tree Centre closed in early 2018.

Reviews at the original location were negative after filming.

El Greco is closed.

They closed in December 2011 as their debts were too large.

Many staff members had left due to conflict.

Reviews after filming were negative with complaints on food and service.

Park's Edge is closed.

They closed in early 2014 after their lease ran out and they did not open in a new location.

They had returned some items to the menu due to customer requests.

They returned some dishes to the menu as requested by regulars.

Reviews are positive with the prime rib remaining a big hit with diners.

They closed in July 2012.

Genevieve sadly passed away from complications due to epilepsy.

Cafe Hon is closed.

They closed in April 2022 after Denise decided to move onto something new.

The locals appear to have forgiven Denise for the Hon trademark issue.

Reviews were positive with the meatloaf being popular among diners.

They closed on the 30th June 2015 after their lease expired and they could not afford an increase in rent.

Zocalo is closed.

They closed January 2013 after failing to open after Christmas due to spiralling debts including for taxes.

Greg and Mary divorced and he remarried waitress Maria.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 4

12 restaurants
Aired: January 2011 to May 2011

Spanish Pavillion is open.

Michael has stepped away from the business and business is up since filming.

Reviews are positive with praise for the paella and sangria.

Classic American is closed.

The restaurant closed in August 2013.

They continued offering catering services.

PJ's Steakhouse is closed.

They closed a few weeks after filming in May 2010 as the takings were low and the debts were high.

He returned to the construction trade.

Grasshopper Also is closed.

They closed in October 2012, was sold and reopened with new management, new staff and a new makeover.

The restaurant has changed hands many times since.

Davide is closed.

They closed in May 2014 after being sold in January 2014.

The owners wanted to start a farming venture and food tours of Boston North End.

Downcity is closed.

They closed on 10th December 2011, after struggling in the decline of the local economy.

Aby is now a personal trainer.

Cafe Tavolini is closed.

They closed in December 2010, just weeks after filming.

An answerphone recording said that they were closing for medical reasons.

Kingston Cafe is closed.

They closed as a restaurant in August 2018.

The space is still used for events and catering functions.

La Frite is closed.

The restaurant was sold to a new owner in July 2016 and closed in September 2017.

The owner changed the restaurant to an Italian eatery called Modo Mio.

They closed in September 2019 due to the twins health issues and declining sales at the restaurant.

Zeke's is closed.

They closed in October 2012 after taping a notice to the door.

The restaurant was sold to new owners.

Daryll and Ellen now own LUCA Eats in New Orleans.

Oceana Grill is open.

The restaurant was sold to new owners.

They have sued the production company over clips showing the poor state of the kitchen.

This does not represent the higher standards under their ownership.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 3

12 restaurants
Aired: January 2010 - May 2010

Hot Potato Cafe is closed.

They closed in August 2010 as their lease was due to expire.

A closed sign was put up on the door.

Danielle went to college and trained to be a nurse.

They closed in April 2011 as Bill and Adele decided to re-retire to Florida.

Cheryl moved out of her parents house in 2016.

Bazzini is closed.

Bazzini closed in June 2010.

Paul now works as a chef with his son.

In a revisit we see Sharyn who had began working full time baking her cakes.

Mojito is closed.

Mojito closed in March 2016.

Katalina went travelling, documenting her food journey on Instagram.

They host regular wine tasting and music events that are a huge hit.

Reviews are mostly positive with a few criticisms on service.

Le Bistro is open.

They expanded into providing produce to a local market.

Reviews are positive with the beef wellington and mushroom soup receiving rave reviews.

Casa Roma is closed.

They reverted to their old menu.

They briefly rebranded as The AV Roadhouse Restaurant Bar & Grill before reverting back.

AV Roadhouse closed in July 2017.

Mama Rita's is closed.

They closed in December 2010 after abandoning Gordon's menu.

The catering business continued for a number of years.

Anna Vincenzo's is closed.

They closed in April 2010.

Cece sold the restaurant so that she could spend more time with her children.

Cece and Michael had seperated.

Fleming is closed.

They closed in October 2010, 5 months after airing after trying a number of different menus and event nights.

Sushi Ko is closed.

They closed in August 2009.

Lisa believes it was too little too late and Samy blames the show and the local economy.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 2

11 restaurants
Aired: September 2008 to January 2009

Handlebar is closed.

They closed in 2009 shortly after Gordon revisited and the restaurant was sold.

Billy sadly passed away after a cancer battle in November 2015.

Giuseppi's is closed.

They closed in July 2009.

They blamed the economy and the lack of a liquor license for the closure.

Trobiano's is closed.

They closed in October 2008 after the restaurant was seized by the state for not paying their taxes.

Black Pearl is closed.

They closed just 4 days after the episode aired.

Owner David posted a passive aggressive rant online at Gordon.

J Willy's is closed.

They closed in February 2009 after choosing to close rather than cut quality due to increasing food costs.

Hannah & Mason's is closed.

They closed in February 2010.

Chris blamed Gordon's menu and falling customer numbers for both the bistro and catering services.

Jack's Waterfront is closed.

They closed in December 2010, presumably due to their debts.

Reviews were much more positive after the episode was filmed.

Sabatiello's is closed.

They closed in October 2008 and Samy told the media that he regretted appearing on the show.

He opened another pizzeria that closed due to unpaid rent.

Fiesta Sunrise is closed.

They closed in September 2008 after the restaurant was seized due to failing to pay taxes.

They had closed the previous year due to failing to pay taxes but paid in full and reopened.

Santé La Brea is closed.

They closed in June 2011 after selling the restaurant.

Dean retired in 2009 and was living overseas and the restaurant was run by his sons prior to closure.

Cafe 36 is closed.

They closed on 18 April 2009 with the owners blaming the economy.

They also blamed Gordon's changes to the restaurant for the closure.

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Kitchen Nightmares Season 1

10 restaurants
Aired: September 2007 - December 2007

Peters is closed.

They closed in December 2008 and their father passed away in 2009.

Dillons/Purnima is closed.

They closed in 2009.

Martin tried to sue Gordon for $3million and to stop the show being aired but it was thrown out of court.

The Mixing Bowl is closed.

They closed in January 2009.

The restaurant had closed briefly before the filming of the show but reopened for filming.

Seascape is closed.

They closed in August 2017 just five months after the episode was filmed.

They had reverted back to their old menu.

The Olde Stone Mill is closed.

The restaurant was sold to new owners in 2009 and was sold it again in 2022.

Dean opened an Italian restaurant that closed in 2015.

Dean has had minor acting roles and hosted a hunting show.

Sebastians is closed.

They closed in January 2008 after the family moved back to Boston.

Sebastian had a small part in a movie and runs landscaping and financial companies.

Finn McCool's is closed.

They sold the restaurant in 2009 with the family continuing to work there.

They closed in March 2012 after an issue with the lease.

Lelas is closed.

They closed shortly after filming as Lela's debts were too high to recover.

Campania is closed.

The restaurant was sold in September 2010 and eight days later Joe sadly took his own life.

They closed in January 2011.

The Secret Garden is closed.

They closed in March 2010 after selling the restaurant, this sale fell through but he found another buyer.

He had abandoned Gordon's changes quickly after filming.

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Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares/ Kitchen Nightmares UK

Aired: April 2004 - January 2009
24 restaurants

The Dovecote Bistro/Martins is closed.

They closed in October 2015 as the business was sold to new owners.

They had abandoned the upstairs bistro and focused on the cafe side of the business.

Justin sold the restaurant to new owners in April 2017 after winning numerous awards.

It has changed hands multiple times since and has temporarily closed without warning.

They closed in January 2009, due to the drop in the local economy leading to a lack of bookings

The Priory is closed.

They closed in 2008 .

Scott reverted the restaurant back to serving carvery dinners and abandoning Gordon's idea of a grill house.

The Curry Lounge is closed.

Raz sold the restaurant in 2015 and it closed in 2018.

In 2017 Raz admitted to £65,000 of tax fraud in relation to the restaurant.

Piccolo Teatro is closed.

They closed in April 2007 before Gordon revisited and Rachel became a hooker.

India has had a very successful kitchen career after work experience with Gordon.

The Granary is closed.

They closed in January 2008 after an arson attack gutted the restaurant.

The arsonist was jailed in September 2018 after spending 10 years on the run.

The Fish and Anchor is closed.

They closed in 2008, the business listed for sale at £295,000 and was sold in 2009.

After the closure Mike planned to move to Italy.

They closed in August 2008 with Lawrence closing the restaurant suddenly.

The Fenwick Arms is open.

The pub was sold in 2009 and has changed hands twice since.

Brian and Elaine are now at The Ship Inn in Aldborough.

Rococo/Maggies is closed.

They closed in September 2007 and they filed for bankruptcy.

Morgans is closed.

They closed as the business was sold in November 2007.

Sandy returned to her antiques shop and Laura was an actress with some bit parts.

Phil was jailed for theft for stealing cheques.

La Lanterna is closed.

Despite an increase in business, they closed in 2006 and the building was put up for sale.

D-Place is closed.

They closed weeks after filming in 2004.

It went into receivership and the lease was put up for sale before Gordon was able to revisit.

Momma Cherri's is closed.

Shortly after filming they moved into a much larger restaurant called Momma Cherri's Big House restaurant.

They closed in 2009 due to large debts.

La Riviera is open.

The restaurant was renamed to Contrast and has positive reviews.

Loic returned to France and opened L'atelier du peintre, which gained a Michelin star in 2011.

The business was sold by Lois and Peter in 2006 and has changed hands at least twice since.

Clubway 41/Jacksons is closed.

They closed in September 2006, shortly after Gordon revisited and they seemed to have given up.

La Gondola is closed.

The restaurant closed in 2007 and the hotel remained open for a few more years.

The abandoned building was targeted by squatters and vandals.

Daniella sadly passed away in July 2019.

Oscars is closed.

They closed in October 2005 as Maura sold the restaurant and Lenin went into rehab.

Bonapartes is closed.

They closed in 2005 and was sold for £450,000.

Sue was left homeless and in debt and both Sue and Tim were disqualified from driving for drink driving.

The Glass House is closed. T

hey closed in March 2014 and reopened as The Fulling Mill.

The restaurant is still owned by Neil Farrell.

They closed in February 2007 and reopened in December under a new owner.

The restaurant was awarded a Michelin star in 2010 and every year since.

Moore Place is closed.

They closed in 2006 when the owners sold the restaurant after starting to go back to their old ways.


  1. It's a shame that so many places are closed, I thought that programe really helps at least in 20%-30% of places. Perhaps it's difficult, hard and expensive buisness, perhaps it's too late for changes. But still I'm a huge fan of Gordon :)

    1. Actually, in the UK version, Gordon helped 29% of the businesses (7 restaurants out of 24 are still open to date). However, his success should be more than that since in many cases, he helped keep the business open for a while at least, whereas without his intervention those restaurants would've closed very soon. So, though some restaurants closed eventually, at least they stayed open a little longer, till some other crisis hit, like the credit crisis on 2008.

      In the US version, Ramsay saved a whopping 46% of the restaurants so far (32 saved out of 69). However, I doubt that some of the restaurants that are still open will soon close, as these episodes are very recent so may be they will close in a short while. Still, even if 10 restaurants close, about 32% where still saved (22 out of 69).

      So I think it is good. Indeed, Gordon helps more than 30% of them survive!

    2. Well said. Most people don't realize that in the end, it's up to the owners to follow up on the help given to them. Even Robert Irvine has his strong share of restaurants he publicly fixed but ended up closing eventually if not sooner. What Gordon Ramsay, Robert Irvine, Anthony Melchiorri, Jon Taffer, and similar are trying to let us know is that

      1. Nothing's entirely impossible even in times when the economy both in the US and the UK sucks like never before.

      2. All options should be exhausted before finally throwing in the towel.

      3. Quick turnarounds should be followed up with long term commitments and mental renovations.

    3. The sad fact is that most of these restaurants are in such poor financial shape, even Chef Ramsay cannot save them. Diners are a fickle bunch as most people can only afford to dine out once, maybe twice a month. Give them anything but the best, they will take their money elsewhere. I ate Army food for a long time. But that was because I had to eat Army food. Given the choice of festering Cape Buffalo, I would have had a big bottle of hot sauce with me on the Savannah!

    4. I think in some cases the owners having make some money decide to call it quits and get out after paying their debts.

    5. the temporary jolt of Ramsay's investment and hype does wear out. \

      More often, these owners were already under water --- and Gordon gave them respectable exits, less debt and better selling price to next owners.

    6. Closure does not necessarily mean failire for Ramsay. If he can increase expected future cash flows and allpw the owners to sell/exit at a decent price, that is another form of success. Think of venture capitalists that invest in a new or failing business, get it in flight, and sell at a profit.

    7. Gordon did help them. Most them should not be running a restaurant to begin with. By the time Gordon gets there it's already to late. Then the owners play the blame game and blame gordon when they were already in serious trouble. Dont open a restaurant unless you have experience. Most of these people dont. They buy a restaurant on a whim, dont know what they are doing and then wonder why it fails. Hello???

  2. Maybe Ramsey should help restaurants that are not that deep in the hole. J Willy's was at a 1.2 million loss when Ramsey stepped in. It's almost too late to really recover at that point.

    1. I think its more that they target bad restaurants and crazy owners to make sure the show is exciting. An exciting show will benefit him more then a success. I don't think he tanks it or fakes his work, but you are usually dealing with immature people who can't cook.

  3. it amazes me how these restaurants participate in the show and then when he gives them common sense solutions they act like he is a nutcase ... what you see over and over again are egos out of control ...

    1. I still can't get over the fact reading that Moore Place was doing very well that the owners had to cook in the kitchen.

      But then went back to their old ways? Doesn't make sense at all.

  4. I think what people fail to realize is that Ramsay is not a miracle worker; he can't hold the hands of the owner, chefs, etc. Often in these episodes, the biggest problem is with a lack of commitment or laziness, and no amount of help is going to revive those businesses. Sometimes, you just get people who have no idea what they're doing trying to run a restaurant, and Gordon can't teach these people all there is to know about the business—it's inevitable they'll get taken advantage of or get some bad advice or fumble some other way. It's very hard to get people to truly change themselves with the kind of long-term commitment required to revive a business and make it thrive, and the behavior of people is the central issue in most episodes.

  5. Here's the thing, without Ramsay 100% of these places would have closed within 2-3 months. Any success, and some of them were open for a year or more afterwards, is a bonus.

  6. I've been cooking and creating great dishes for over 40 years, and worked as a chef from the 70s thru the 90s. I did this way before being a chef was popular and cool like the tv show chefs or even some wannabe chefs we have nowadays. Back then the money sucked and there was no fame, but you cooked because you had a passion for it and it made people happy. You didn't do it to be cool, have a cool haircut, or to have a show, you did it cause you loved it. Through those years I've seen a lot of businesses come and go, and here is my perspective.
    If these restaurant's tanked and closed, it wasn't because Chef Ramsey stepped in and changed things, Chef Ramsey can only do so much as in new dishes, cleaning, training, upgrades to the menu and building etc.. It is inevitability up to the owners and employee's as to how and if the business is going to last. Remember this....."You can point a ship in the right direction, but without the proper crew to run it, it will not make it to its destination".

  7. I like the show, but not his food. I think Ramsay's success ratio is quite low over the years. He doesn't do enough or provides solutions his "clients" cannot maintain. Also think many of the "clients" have other ideas like just want their place jazzed up to sell off or have other issues that they don't need to care about the place. And there's too much scripting on the show. My favorite part- the refrigerator inspection. Many of the ones that survive are usually the really old ones, or ones with low competition. Can't credit Ramsay really. So, don't know if his turnarounds amount to anything in the end. Also keeps changing theme restaurants into unthemed contemporary too much.

  8. I think it's very apparent that this show gravitated towards finding businesses that would create a lot of drama for television, and less towards places that could actually be helped.

    Look at the Black Pearl and Amy's Baking Company episodes. As the series progressed, the owners got more and more outlandish.

    Watch the original UK episodes and the USA episodes start looking like a reality TV nightmare. The UK episodes feel more real and humble in comparison. The US episodes feel like they went into asylums and pulled out the patients.

  9. The irony is that, other restaurants, who were previously standing on their own two feet, but barely so, failed while the media attention to the Ramsey restaurants took away their business. I don't have any proof of this, but think about it: I need a minimum of 10 customers a day just to stay alive and I have just 11 customers per day. Then the restaurant next door, which is about to close (good because I get their customers) gets a Ramsey update. Now, because of the Ramsey attention, I lose two of my customers. Now my restaurant goes out of business. I had a better restaurant from the beginning. I should have won, but I lose because of the marketing power of multimedia attention to a failing restaurant. In the end, both of us are out of business, but my failure doesn't get put on the list because Ramsey never came to MY restaurant!

    BTW: Does anyone really know how to spell his name!!?

    1. His name is spelt Ramsay. Spelt with an 'A' not with an 'E'.

    2. OMG, what a load of crap. Maybe if you were pulling in more than 11 customers per day BEFORE the Ramsay makeover next door, you might still be open. That's IF your "restaurant" even exists.

      And re:

      "BTW: Does anyone really know how to spell his name!!?"

      Clearly you don't...

  10. The food and beverage industry has always been pretty brutal. When I was bartending in the late 80's, many bars had to also start serving food as a major percentage of revenue due to DUI laws promoted by MADD. The first year failure rate for restaurant/bars after these laws took effect was around 80%. It's probably even worse now due to the economy and fewer dollars available for personal entertainment. It won't get any better until the average person has more disposable income. Also many of the older family restaurants in the series that have gone out of business might have been established towards the end of the boomer expansion period, when disposable incomes were higher. They're now victims of a long-term economic downswing. Frankly, the only profitable business model I can see for a first-time food business would be a food-truck. They're quite popular in my local area.

  11. This has been quite interesting, reading the comments and all. I have enjoyed watching all the Ramsay programs for years, and I must concur with what a number of folks here have said - Ramsay gives the restaurants the tools to be successful, and it is then up to them to consistently use it. Someone said back a few comments ago that Ramsay is not a miracle worker, and that is true - in order for the thing to work, it takes the cooperation of the owners too. Some people are put off with Ramsay's coarseness - it isn't exactly my cup of tea either - but underneath all of that I believe he is a guy who genuinely wants to help people out, and that in itself is a good thing too.

  12. Having visited many restuarants, it is no surprise to me that so many restuarants fail. People think they can cook, so they think they can open a restuarant.

    One restuarnat I visited after its Ramsay make over was Mama Cherrie's on the south coast. We tried the very meal that Ramsay came up with "Soul in a Bowl", pretty good food, however the service was lousy, I had to go and find staff which were completely absent on the floor our table was on. We never got all we ordered so they didn't make what they could have done from our table. We would not have recommended anyone to go there.

  13. It is really nice to have this closure rate in the end it is an important thing to know if the restaurant really turned around or not.
    Nevertheless I think in most of the cases Gordon gave some huge lift to almost all the restaurants, even with total reformations on the interiors even with some good slaps in the face. He is there to give owners tools to get things around but he cannot turn an idiot into a smart guy. If you are not a good entrepreneur and you do not understand you are in the costumer service area you have no chance...

  14. Years later, Oceana is still open. Ate there last week. The decor changed but the food was good.

  15. Hmm that's not a bad success rate in my opinion. Compared to how many restaurants actually fail. The only thing is it's hard to determine which ones are inevitably heading to failure already. But it would seem the show has definitely saved a fair amount anyway.

    I don't think anyone could realistically expect the show to have had saved the majority of businesses.

  16. ^Regarding the success rate if restaurants. Restaurants fail at of rate 59% in the period of 1-3 years. Combine that with selfish/lazy/narcissistic/manic/unchanging personalities in staff you can't fire due to risk of being understaffed or hella guilt (like relatives), extreme debt prior to Ramsay's interference, strength of chain restaurants, location or competition (increase of competition and neighborhoods surrounding the business changing), and extreme sanitation issues (he can only fix units, not a whole rotting restaurant), I'd say he did pretty well. Most of those businesses would have closed within 2 months but he helped it last a few more years. Also the first 2 seasons happened before the recession so those already failing/teetering restaurants got another major hit....

    I think he literally does everything he can. Remodels the ship, gives crew a fresh perspective and advice, free advertising and campaigning.... You can't ask for more. And people says he's harsh, but honestly he's saying the things they NEED to hear to be successful. And if they get offended.... I honestly don't understand why. They asked for his help and should know what he's like. And he tells them how it is because he genuinely cares and wants them to succeed, so if their ego and fragile bubble can't take criticism they shouldn't run a restaurant business.

    So yes. His success rate is pretty good.

    1. Yeah, none of these closings were his fault. They were either the owners refusing to change, or the recession wiped them out as they did with many restaurants when it hit and no one had extra income to spend on restaurants.

  17. It's pretty funny how these restaurants ask for Ramsay's (known for his temper and insults) assistance, but can't take criticism well and gets their feelings hurt while failing their businesses.

  18. Thanks, this is a really great resource. I'm a freelance journalist doing some food writing and this is an EXCELLENT resource. If I use it in an article I absolutely will credit and link.

  19. Fact is that the businesses were in the state they are because the problem is for the most part the people are useless, Ramsay can fix their business model temporarily but fixing the people is beyond his ability.
    Common themes I saw in nearly every episode I've watched so far are filthy kitchens, old or rotting food, bad culinary practices, egotistical and self-centered chefs and bosses, and lousy communication.
    The only chef I can recall seeing who I thought was worth anything was Danielle from the potato cafe, ironically being the one who wasn't a chef.

    Lousy chefs, managers and bosses is not a problem that can be fixed by a renovation and a pep talk.

  20. So true you can get an expert to help improve your business but the biggest issues is to fix bad attitudes and thinking , if this both is positive the business wil flourish.

  21. Why ask for help but don't take it. What these wannabe owners fail to realize is gordon ramsay takes his time AND money to help them. Yet they act like spoiled whining children. Ungrateful and that's really sad. Because IF they were to listen to what he taught them then yeah they'd be as successful as gordon ramsay


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